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08/10/2013 11:34
Hi again. Here i have created a CAN BUS desing. It has three nodes. Each node has a microcontroller pic18f485 and a MCP2551 transciver. The first node (master), makes two differents tasks.On one hand, it sends a request to the second node. The second node gets the cabin´s temperature value, by...
23/09/2013 19:31
This little proyect shows how comunicates two pic using an rs232 connection. The first pic, write a number in the rs232 line, as the same time it dispalys it on a lcd display. The second one,  get the numbre from the rs232 and displays it on the other lcd. This circuit doesn´t use...
18/09/2013 12:55
In this little project we are going to monitoring and visualize the speed of a DC engine. We´re going to use a pic16f876, a two lines display and a small keypad. Our engine, has a embedded encoder which is going to give as pulse when each turn is complete. The microcontroller code has been done in...
10/09/2013 18:57
Righ now, we are going to connect in two differents ways, two pics,  pic16f876 and a pic18f4550 with our PC. In the first circuit (pic16f876), we don´t use the interrupts, but in the other one, we do it. In both cases we have to use the "Virtual serial port driver" sowftware, to create two...
06/09/2013 14:05
Hi again. i have created a watering system using labview. There are two differents watering areas manageb by this virtual instrument. It has trhee operation modes. Watering in manual mode. In this choice, you active the valve by pushing the activation button (riego manual 1) or (riego manual 2)....
05/09/2013 17:27
Here, we are going to connect a Boeing 777-300ER from the (flight gear simulator) to Matlab / Simulink trough the aerospace block set.  Our target is getting the signals: flaps position (label 137), throtte (label 267) and elevator position (label 314) from the Boeing and codify them in arinc...
04/09/2013 11:50
In this projet, I have created an autopilot in ada language. The program ask for the origin and destination airport coordenates, altitude and flight speed. After that, it runs like an autopilot, when it writes "derecha" or "izquierda" (right or left) it would be sending this information to the...
03/09/2013 18:28
Hi again. In this project, i have cerated an industrial scales. It is managed by a pic18f4550 and its main features are: - It is able to weigh until 5100Kg - It sends the weight in to a serial rs232. - It displays the weight on a two lines lcd.  This project uses the Lcm324 gauge. It works...
03/09/2013 12:22
03/09/2013 12:21
Our new website has been launched today.  
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